Thursday, May 20, 2010


Warm air rises creating a low air pressure and it causes air to flow from high pressure to low pressure areas which creates the effect of wind.The earths cold reason like the poles have cold and high pressure air above them warmer regions near equator have warm and low pressured air. Air moves in this region from high pressure regions to low pressure regions causing wind.

THE CORIOLIS EFFECT-If the earth stood still,winds would keep moving basic, that is from north to south pattern. But due the earth's movement top its wind swerve . This swerving of wind due to earth;s spin is called the Coriolis effects.


Each square meter of the earth's surface has about ten tons of air above it. the weight exerts some pressure at the ground which is called air pressure.

DIFFERENT PRESSURES - Different pressures are created according to the heat it receives from the Sun . More heat creates low pressure and vice- versa.

BAROMETER- It is the instrument used to measure air pressure . To types oh barometers are mercury barometer and aneroid barometer.


water from earths surface rises in the atmosphere due to heat of the sun. This causes humidity in atmosphere. This process is called evaporation and causes also condensation. In this process of managing water in the atmosphere causes rain and other environmental factors.


It is one of most causative factor for earths change in weather pattern. I manages the temperature, winds, jet strings etc.

It makes the waters from the earth surface to rise up in atmosphere in the form of water vapor. which is also the main factor for determination of earths weather pattern.It sends radiations that the earth continuously.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


The earth is covered in a blanket of air called the atmosphere. This is held in place by gravity,and is kept swirling around by heat that earth receives from sun . The atmosphere is divided into layers according to temperature.

Thermosphere- Contains gases which absorbs some of Sun's harmful radiation. This heats up to
1500 c at its upper limit (about 450 km). Above that is a layer containing few gases which merges into space at about 1000 km.

Mesosphere- Contains few gases and is completely dry. It makes it very cold.

Stratosphere- Contains layers of Ozone gas which absorbs most of the Sun's harmful rays.

Troposphere- This is where earths all weathers occur.